This is a set of definitions that are designed to briefly
explain various political terms, with an emphasis on radical
This document is unfinished, and because of this, has many
incomplete cross-references and still includes many unexplained
terms. The author, Jason
Truesdell, is aware of this, but has limited time and will
add definitions and links as possible. If you have anything to
add, mail me and I'll put it in when possible.
- Anarchism
- is a critique of the state which denies the legitimacy of
state authority. The state is an essentially violent
institution whose existence prevents liberty.
- social anarchism
- also known as socialist or libertarian anarchism,
is the form of anarchism that developed as a
result of the materialist
method, as developed by Karl Marx. Michael Bakunin was
the first widely-known social anarchist.
- "Big-name" Anarchists
- Bakunin, Mikhail
- was the major theoretical rival to Karl
Marx in the First International. He
rejected the Marxist transitional-state
as another form of tyranny, and disagreed
that it would naturally go away, arguing
that it was an unalterable social law
that the state would try to reproduce
itself, and that the state by its very
nature must have an opressive power over
- Goldman, Emma
- Was one of the best-known anarchists in
the US, but because she was an immigrant
and a radical, was exiled to the Soviet
Union (can't remember the year). She
eventually left Russia, both out of a
difficulty in working within the confines
of a state, and out of a longing to
return to the US. Later she worked as a
propagandist during the anarchist
revolution in Spain in the late 1930s,
working both in Spain and England. She
eventually moved to Canada, though she
was older and never had the glorious
large audiences she enjoyed in the US.
She was a proponent of "free
love", as well as some women's
rights issues, though she was a bitter
critic of suffragist movement.
- Kropotkin, Peter
- Nettlau, Max
- Contemporary anarchist theorists
- Chomsky, Noam
- focuses on traditional left-wing issues,
particularly political economy, thought
control, anti-war, anti-imperialism, and
so on. See Manufacturing Consent
with Edward Herman, The Chomsky
Read abouter, Deterring
- Ehrlich, Carol
- calls herself an anarcha-feminist and
stems from the social anarchist tradition
with strong roots in radical
feminism. She argues that the
problems of feminism in anarchist
politics stem from practice, as opposed
to theory, which she contrasts with the
conflicts between marxism and feminism.
- Feminism
- Critiques the unequal social, economic, political, and
sexual status of women to men. In its radical form
critiques a gender hierachy, which is seen as centered
upon sexuality. Gender and sexuality are social terms.
- liberal feminism
- focuses on socialized "myths of women's
inferiority", social attitudes, and economic
inequality, but offers no critique of the
capitalist system and has a rather simplistic
view of gender hierarchy. Usually, liberal
feminism seeks to gain power for women within
existing economic, political, and social
structures. Examples: Susan Faludi, Naomi Wolf.
- radical feminism
- sees male forms of sexuality imposed upon women
as a primary means of enforcing women's
inequality. Usually includes a critique of the
capitalist system, but also often of socialist
theory and practice. Often rejects seizing power
as a means to ending gender hierarchy--radical
feminists are suspicious of power, which
distinguishes them from liberal feminists.
Examples: Catherine MacKinnon, Mary Daly.
- socialist feminism
- developed most notably within the New Left
movements in the United States but also in Europe
and some parts of Asia, Africa, and the Middle
East. Generally attempts to find ways of
justifying feminism in a Marxist framework, or
expands or mutates Marxist categories to include
women. Many socialist feminists rely heavily on
Friedrich Engel's Origins of the Family,
Private Property, and the State. Examples:
Evelyn Reed, Gloria Joseph.
- spiritual feminism
- related both to cultural feminism and radical
feminism, attempts to create a feminist theology.
Often examines pre-Christian nature-religions for
inspiration, though some spiritual feminists also
look in the Christian, Jewish, and Buddhist
traditions. Examples: Starhawk, Mary Daly, Carol
- Liberalism
- A worldview that developed as a result of increasing
middle-class involvement in politics in Europe. Treating
liberalism as an ideology may be inappropriate, because
it reflects a somewhat pragmatic approach to satisfying
the political and economic interests of the middle class.
It can be better identified as a belief system or a
worldview, because liberal political thought has
developed primarily from a group of people with similar
socio-economic characteristics and often similar social
Liberalism does not reserve any special
criticism for hierarchies in the political or social
order; it advocates reform which generally does not
seriously threaten the interests of the middle class.
Equality is often thought as either comparable power
within a competitive power structure, or identical
political rights, with a blind-eye to inequalities in
- Materialism
- In its radical form critiques the economic order, most
urgently the capitalist one, although it considers
capitalism historically progressive as compared to feudal
or "primitive" political-economic organization.
- Classic Materialism
- Marxism
- based on the theories of Karl Marx, who developed
a critique of political economy related
philosophically to the "dialectic" of
the german philosopher Hegel and to the theory of
history developed by Ludwig Feuerbach. Human
history progresses because of essential
contradictions centered upon the form of
production. Literature
by Karl Marx and his colleague Friedrich Engels
is available on the Internet.
- Contemporary materialism
- Academic materialism
- is found in lots of university sociology courses,
as well as in the work of some historians,
anthropologists, political scientists, and so on.
Academic materialists/marxists have a precarious
relationship with political movement, which they
often do not directly participate in. Because of
this, academic marxists have often been
considered by people involved in communist
parties, at best unreliable because of their
privileged social position and at worst
- Political parties
- such as the post-trotskyist, Castro-supporting
Socialist Workers Party (US, maybe 3000 members)
still exist, which gave birth to groups like the
still-trotskyist socialist-feminist Freedom
Socialist Party (mostly west-coast US), which are
also still around. Maoist groups like the tiny
Progressive Labor Party and the Revolutionary
Communist Party can be found if you look hard
- Reformism
- usually used as a perjorative, refers to political
practice or ideology that attempts to make gradual
changes within exising social and political structures to
improve the conditions of people under those structures.
Reformism is reformist because it does one of the
following 1) rejects revolutionary movement or action 2)
limits its activities to traditional political
spheres--that is, gaining hegemony within the state 3)
considers revolutionary movement to be hopeless, whether
approved of or not, and therefore considers movement
within the state to be necessary.