Center for Duck Studies



Introduction to the Way of The Duck

The Way of the Duck is a glorious one. It represents the grand tradition begun when someone asked The First Pope "Jason, how are You?" and he considered for a moment, realized his condition, and said, "Ducky." From that day forward it was rare when The First Pope was not Ducky. The message spread far and wide that The First Pope was Ducky, and they were filled with Joy and Laughter.

It was later discovered that other people, as well, had realized aspects of the Duck. The Second Pope thought she had discovered a connection between her experience of the Duck and that of the First Pope. She remembered the Many Times when her younger sister had suddenly cried, "Hey! I'm a Duck!" and Made the Duck Face.

But before this meeting of aspects of the Duck, The First Pope had begun to teach others the way of the Duck. At first, they thought it was funny. Then, they thought he was crazy. But later, they began to realize that this was a Correct Way, and some, too, began their paths on the way to the Duck. They have not yet advanced to full Duckiness, but they are the unmistakeably the unconscious bodhisattvas of future Ducky existences.

The Duck Mind is synonymous with a state of Duckiness, which cannot be explained in mere words. However, in the very moment (or at least shortly thereafter) you realize the Duck, you will know.

It is at this point in which you shall be able to say, "I am Ducky." Ducky is a state of mind. This is the most basic teaching of The First Pope. When you realize precisely what state of mind this is, you, too, will have it.

The First Pope can also be referred to as Jason Truesdell. He was the first person to discover the Duck-mind.

The Second Pope can also be referred to as Laura Koiner. She was the second person to discover the Duck-mind.

The Third Pope can also be referred to as Maura Grady.

The Number of The Pope is void. It refers not to a hierarchical position within the Way of the Duck; for such hierarchy is not known in the world of the Duck. It is simply an empty indicator, referring to the chronological order of the entry into Popedom for the Duck.

The first seven Priests/Priestesses of the Duck will also receive such numbered titles, after which it is assumed that one will no longer be able to keep track. Additionally, the First Fourty-two Quacks shall be identified, though they will not receive individual numbers, unless they really want one.

For additional literature toward understanding the organizational units of the Duck, see The Pope, the Priests, and the Quacks: The Organization of Duck.

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